Finding Zion
Alexandra Fenwick | Jul 30, 2009 | Comments 3
Selling charter schools is as much about cultivating an image and a culture as it is about producing a quality product. See how a clever ad campaign pointed one student, lost after Hurricane Katrina, in the right direction.
Filed Under: New Orleans in Depth
About the Author: Alexandra Fenwick
is a multimedia journalist who has worked as a reporter in daily newspapers in New Jersey and Connecticut for four years, including one year as an education reporter. She grew up on the Jersey shore, split her high school career between public school and private boarding school and later studied writing at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. She had a happy childhood, rode her bike everywhere and rarely got detention. She is trying to replicate that experience as an adult. Her byline has appeared in the Baltimore Sun, the Los Angeles Times, the Stamford Advocate, the Tribeca Tribune and Condé Nast's She graduated from Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism in May 2009 and is currently an associate editor of the Columbia Journalism Review.
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[...] How a sign helped one lost student find his place in the Post-Katrina school landscape Click to view slide show in new window [...]
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