All Entries Tagged With: "News21"

Without Classrooms or Grades, Students Rule This School
It’s not the usual kind of learning going on in the Minnesota New Country School.

Old Values in New Kind of Education
Star International’s mission is to maintain students’ Arab and American identities.

Catholic Schools Go Charter to Survive
Conversions are an attractive exit plan for struggling parochial schools.
The Mosaica Way
By Annie Hauser
Click through the photos to look inside two Mosaica schools — Richfield Academy in Flint, and the Arts and Technology Academy of Pontiac — and see Mosaica’s signature Paragon curriculum in action.

Charter advocates lobby for more federal support
Hundreds of charter school advocates went to Capitol Hill to lobby for pro-charter legislation on Wednesday.

Replay of Live Coverage of Joel Klein’s Keynote Address
<a href=”” mce_href=”” >Live Coverage of National Charter Schools Conference</a>

Let’s all be friends
Q and A with Steve Barr, founder of Green Dot Public Schools.

Democracy Prep wants to be in Rhode Island
After Arne Duncan finished his portion of the keynote address for the opening of the National Charter School Conference he took a few questions from some of the participants. One of the questions was from Seth Andrew, head of Democracy Prep in Harlem.
News21 covered the admissions lottery at Democracy Prep this past spring.
Seth’s buddy, [...]
The question of quality
James Forman Jr. on the challenges facing the charter school movement.

First Impressions: RISE
I confess, before I started the News21 fellowship I had never written an education story, or entered a school as a reporter. The only story remotely close to education I’ve covered was the Police Athletic League’s push this past year to give 16-year-old teenagers elected to New York’s community boards a qualifying vote. And I [...]
The Middle East Meets the Midwest
A charter school in Michigan serves the Arab-language community.
From Automobiles to Education
School kids in Michigan find refuge from economic hard times.
How Do D.C.’s Charter Schools Serve Special Needs Students?
Washington, D.C.’s public schools serve one of the highest percentages of special needs populations in the country. The nation’s capital has long had neglected special education facilities and trouble funding the more expensive services that this population requires. As a result, a few charter schools have opened up in the District to serve the needs [...]