All Entries Tagged With: "National Alliance for Public Charter Schools"

Is Profit Dead?
For-profit companies rushed into the public school market at the same time charters first took hold. Has the experiment run its course?
A How-To on Managing the Message
Before I came to Columbia J-School and to News21, I worked in public relations for international corporate and political clients. So I was interested to see how some schools in the charter school movement use corporate and political image management strategies to sell, promote, and protect their brands in the new public education [...]

Charter advocates lobby for more federal support
Hundreds of charter school advocates went to Capitol Hill to lobby for pro-charter legislation on Wednesday.

Let’s all be friends
Q and A with Steve Barr, founder of Green Dot Public Schools.
The question of quality
James Forman Jr. on the challenges facing the charter school movement.
Live Coverage of National Charter Schools Conference
On the scene at the largest annual event focused on charter schools.

National Charter Schools Conference coverage
Columbia News 21 team provides live coverage of National Charter School Conference in in Washington, D.C.