All Entries Tagged With: "Teach for America"

Go Inside KIPP
Newark’s RISE Academy is part of KIPP, the country’s largest network of charter schools.

A Tale of Two Charters
In Newark, N.J., two different charter schools are competing for students and resources, prompting many to question how we should shape the charter school landscape.

Teaching Pipeline Runs Straight Out of New Orleans
In New Orleans, demand for teachers outweighs the local supply. Programs like Teach for America have moved in to fill the gap. Now, some say, these out-of-towners clog the pipeline.

The Jay Mathews Band
One big question at this conference is about replication–not whether, but how to replicate successful charter models like KIPP in other struggling public school districts.
A panel of heavy hitters in the charter school world led by Jay Mathews, Washington Post education columnist, set out to tackle that issue head on.
Mathews, not surprisingly, was undaunted by the notion [...]
First group of Chicago charter schools unionized
A couple of press people from the 1.4 million member American Federation of Teachers came into the conference’s newsroom to let us know that a group of Chicago charter schools have voted, after a protracted battle with their administrators, to unionize. Union representatives are not among the more well-represented groups here at the National Charter [...]