All Entries Tagged With: "charter schools"

Without Classrooms or Grades, Students Rule This School
It’s not the usual kind of learning going on in the Minnesota New Country School.

Old Values in New Kind of Education
Star International’s mission is to maintain students’ Arab and American identities.

Catholic Schools Go Charter to Survive
Conversions are an attractive exit plan for struggling parochial schools.

Finding Zion
A clever ad campaign sells a charter school to the family of one student.

Teaching Pipeline Runs Straight Out of New Orleans
In New Orleans, demand for teachers outweighs the local supply. Programs like Teach for America have moved in to fill the gap. Now, some say, these out-of-towners clog the pipeline.

The Wisdom of the Marketplace
Charter schools have moved from fringe to mainstay in New Orleans, leaving uncertain parents a dizzying array of options. Can they really sort them out?

Competing With Jesus
Some experts say it’s Catholic schools that are in real competition with charter schools.

Find a Newark Charter School
There are presently 18 charter schools in Newark, N.J. The KIPP-affiliated TEAM network of charter schools and the Uncommon Schools-affiliated North Star network of charter schools currently dominate the city’s charter school landscape.
View Newark’s Charter Schools in a larger map

Get What You Need
NEWARK, N.J. - When the Newark Charter School Fund was announced in April 2008, it certainly created a splash. True, Newark schools had been getting increased attention with the election of its young, Ivy-educated mayor, Cory Booker. Several Newark schools had been commended on their own merits.
But the creation of the fund placed Newark squarely on [...]
Rebuilding Communities From the School Up, cont’d
Redefining Community
The distance between students and schools has also detached families from their neighborhoods. Previously, residents say, parents could depend on neighbors to pick up their children once the school day was done. Now families must work to form new bonds and support networks in more fractured school communities. This all becomes more complicated if [...]

Rebuilding Communities From the School Up
Hurricane Katrina washed away most of New Orleans’ traditional public schools and cleared the way for a new “open-choice” system dominated by charters. These schools draw students from all over the city. What happens when communities are fractured and new ones emerge?
A How-To on Managing the Message
Before I came to Columbia J-School and to News21, I worked in public relations for international corporate and political clients. So I was interested to see how some schools in the charter school movement use corporate and political image management strategies to sell, promote, and protect their brands in the new public education [...]

Charter advocates lobby for more federal support
Hundreds of charter school advocates went to Capitol Hill to lobby for pro-charter legislation on Wednesday.

Stig Leschly, Call Your Office
What is the Newark Charter School Fund, and why don’t we know?

Replay of Live Coverage of Joel Klein’s Keynote Address
<a href=”” mce_href=”” >Live Coverage of National Charter Schools Conference</a>