
Is Profit Dead?
For-profit companies rushed into the public school market at the same time charters first took hold. Has the experiment run its course?

Interactive Timeline: Indian Schools
For many American Indians, formal education has been a sorrowful experience.

Old Values in New Kind of Education
Star International’s mission is to maintain students’ Arab and American identities.

The Ones That Left
Mosaica is one of the nation’s bigest for-profit charter school management companies.
Ten Largest E.M.O.s
By Michele Hoos and Annie Hauser
For-profit educational management organizations, or EMOs, foster competition between schools with the goal of turning a profit. Though most charters remain managed by smaller organizations, the 10 companies below control over half of the for-profit charter school sector, and represent an important trend in the charter explosion. As companies vie [...]
Life on the Rez
Leah Carrick, 14, is a member of the Ojibwe Indian tribe and grew up on the Bay Mills Indian Community in Brimley, Mich. She currently attends the Ojibwe Charter School. She said she chose the 100-seat charter on the reservation as a refuge from the public school because her teachers were “cranky” in Brimley. She [...]
The Mosaica Way
By Annie Hauser
Click through the photos to look inside two Mosaica schools — Richfield Academy in Flint, and the Arts and Technology Academy of Pontiac — and see Mosaica’s signature Paragon curriculum in action.

The Next Casinos for Michigan’s Tribal Communities?
Bay Mills Tribal Community College in Brimley so far has collected $3.2 million in administrative and assessment fees from the 41 charter schools it has authorized. Since it’s the only authorizer in Michigan that has no restriction on how many charters it can launch, or where they can be located, the potential for more revenue is unlimited.

Charter advocates lobby for more federal support
Hundreds of charter school advocates went to Capitol Hill to lobby for pro-charter legislation on Wednesday.

Democracy Prep wants to be in Rhode Island
After Arne Duncan finished his portion of the keynote address for the opening of the National Charter School Conference he took a few questions from some of the participants. One of the questions was from Seth Andrew, head of Democracy Prep in Harlem.
News21 covered the admissions lottery at Democracy Prep this past spring.
Seth’s buddy, [...]
The Middle East Meets the Midwest
A charter school in Michigan serves the Arab-language community.
From Automobiles to Education
School kids in Michigan find refuge from economic hard times.

Reservations About Traditional Public Schools
Native Americans have historically had a contentious relationship with the public education system, beginning with the so-called “boarding school years” in the 1870s, when they were placed in Indian-only schools and often by brute force, made to shed their language and cultural beliefs. Now, they have the highest dropout rates of any minority students. A [...]
Life on the Reservation
The 13 students in Kristina Hansen’s third-grade class want students in Detroit to know they do not live in teepees.
Not Your Run-of-the-Mill School
Like ducks following their mother, seven kindergarten and first-grade students walked closely behind their culture teacher, Jennifer Anziano, through the woods in the back of their school to the student-built wigwam — a dome comprised of several tree branches and rope with a plastic tarp overhead.