All Entries Tagged With: "New York City"

The Ones That Left
Mosaica is one of the nation’s bigest for-profit charter school management companies.

Replay of Live Coverage of Joel Klein’s Keynote Address
<a href=”” mce_href=”” >Live Coverage of National Charter Schools Conference</a>

Democracy Prep wants to be in Rhode Island
After Arne Duncan finished his portion of the keynote address for the opening of the National Charter School Conference he took a few questions from some of the participants. One of the questions was from Seth Andrew, head of Democracy Prep in Harlem.
News21 covered the admissions lottery at Democracy Prep this past spring.
Seth’s buddy, [...]

First Impressions: RISE
I confess, before I started the News21 fellowship I had never written an education story, or entered a school as a reporter. The only story remotely close to education I’ve covered was the Police Athletic League’s push this past year to give 16-year-old teenagers elected to New York’s community boards a qualifying vote. And I [...]