Live Coverage of National Charter Schools Conference
Paul Stephens | Jun 22, 2009 | Comments 7
<a href=”″ mce_href=”″ >National Charter School Conference</a>
Filed Under: National Charter Schools Conference Coverage • Washington, D.C.
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Hi there, I was just wandering the internet and came across your blog. Thought I’d say thanks and tell you that I’ve enjoyed my stay here, hope you have a lovely evening !
Excellent one. Interesting though ,I see, that you and me have similar writing styles, and it looks, that I am reading myself. Weird, eh?
You can see, for example, my blog to see what I mean. Heh,made my day
Corey Abrams
I’m agree with you, it’s all so pretty. I for no reason comment on these blogs, even when the content is excellent
[...] The News 21 team will be attending the Ninth Annual National Charter School Conference to find out how charter policies are advancing on a national level. Get our live coverage here. [...]
You should have mentioned the questions. The question about using the political capital In Rhode Island and Tennesee was actually really important in making states eligbile for Race to the Top funds.
The secretary said he’d help states politically that need support for reform.