Tapestry of Schools

Without Classrooms or Grades, Students Rule This School
It’s not the usual kind of learning going on in the Minnesota New Country School.

A Breeding Place for Global Citizens
One St. Paul teaches the German language in every class. Why?

Teaching from the African American Experience
Why an Afro-centric school doesn’t believe it is contributing to re-segregation.

Character-based learning
Look inside an elementary charter school with a Chinese language immersion program.

Old Values in New Kind of Education
Star International’s mission is to maintain students’ Arab and American identities.

Losing their Religion
One financially troubled Catholic school sheds its religious curriculum in order to stay open.
Samuel J. Green Charter School
Reopened in 2006 in the building that formerly housed Samuel J. Green Middle School, a traditional public school.
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Greater Gentilly Area High School
Scheduled to open in August 2009 on the former Lake Area Middle School site. Its Education Committee is still determining whether or not the technology-focused school will be a charter.
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Andrew H. Wilson Charter School
Opened as a charter in 2007 in the former McDonogh School #7 building.
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Akili Academy
Opened in 2008 on the grounds of the boarded up F.W. Gregory Junior High School.
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A Charter School with a Special Mission
St. Coletta Public Charter School in D.C.’s quiet East Capitol Hill neighborhood next to the Stadium-Armory Metro is a stand-out school with a humble mission: to integrate its learning disabled students into the general population.
But what seems like a modest goal requires generous resources and public will. St. Coletta has become known in the District [...]

Reservations About Traditional Public Schools
Native Americans have historically had a contentious relationship with the public education system, beginning with the so-called “boarding school years” in the 1870s, when they were placed in Indian-only schools and often by brute force, made to shed their language and cultural beliefs. Now, they have the highest dropout rates of any minority students. A [...]
Not Your Run-of-the-Mill School
Like ducks following their mother, seven kindergarten and first-grade students walked closely behind their culture teacher, Jennifer Anziano, through the woods in the back of their school to the student-built wigwam — a dome comprised of several tree branches and rope with a plastic tarp overhead.
An Unorthodox Choice
Maureen Gonzalez-Campbell is an unorthodox choice to be principal of the Hebrew Language Academy, a new public charter school set to open next fall in Brooklyn.
Charter-School Admissions as Hard as Harvard?
April admissions lotteries around the city dramatically illustrated how rapidly New York’s charter schools have evolved into an overnight sensation. They are well-publicized, sought-after, politically active educational institutions. But what are the consequences of the charter-school hype for families hoping to enroll their children there?