Washington, D.C.

The Jay Mathews Band
One big question at this conference is about replication–not whether, but how to replicate successful charter models like KIPP in other struggling public school districts.
A panel of heavy hitters in the charter school world led by Jay Mathews, Washington Post education columnist, set out to tackle that issue head on.
Mathews, not surprisingly, was undaunted by the notion [...]

Replay of Live Coverage of Joel Klein’s Keynote Address
<a href=”http://www.coveritlive.com/mobile.php?option=com_mobile&task=viewaltcast&altcast_code=693cde992f” mce_href=”http://www.coveritlive.com/mobile.php?option=com_mobile&task=viewaltcast&altcast_code=693cde992f” >Live Coverage of National Charter Schools Conference</a>

Let’s all be friends
Q and A with Steve Barr, founder of Green Dot Public Schools.
First group of Chicago charter schools unionized
A couple of press people from the 1.4 million member American Federation of Teachers came into the conference’s newsroom to let us know that a group of Chicago charter schools have voted, after a protracted battle with their administrators, to unionize. Union representatives are not among the more well-represented groups here at the National Charter [...]
Charter school participant on the street
I talked to a charter school president between panels. Here’s our conversation:

Democracy Prep wants to be in Rhode Island
After Arne Duncan finished his portion of the keynote address for the opening of the National Charter School Conference he took a few questions from some of the participants. One of the questions was from Seth Andrew, head of Democracy Prep in Harlem.
News21 covered the admissions lottery at Democracy Prep this past spring.
Seth’s buddy, [...]
Comparing charter and public school students
The panel on the Center for Research on Education Outcomes, or CREDO’s National Charter School Study (Here’s a news story about the study) here at the conference is packed. People are actually spilling out of the room.
If it seems befuddling to you that a lecture on an education study would draw such a crowd, consider [...]
The question of quality
James Forman Jr. on the challenges facing the charter school movement.

The Lesser Known Section of the Charter Movement
The debate over special education students in charter schools.
Live Coverage of National Charter Schools Conference
On the scene at the largest annual event focused on charter schools.

A Charter School with a Special Mission
St. Coletta Public Charter School in D.C.’s quiet East Capitol Hill neighborhood next to the Stadium-Armory Metro is a stand-out school with a humble mission: to integrate its learning disabled students into the general population.
But what seems like a modest goal requires generous resources and public will. St. Coletta has become known in the District [...]

National Charter Schools Conference coverage
Columbia News 21 team provides live coverage of National Charter School Conference in in Washington, D.C.
How Do D.C.’s Charter Schools Serve Special Needs Students?
Washington, D.C.’s public schools serve one of the highest percentages of special needs populations in the country. The nation’s capital has long had neglected special education facilities and trouble funding the more expensive services that this population requires. As a result, a few charter schools have opened up in the District to serve the needs [...]

Catholic-to-Charter Conversions
As urban Catholic schools continue to close across the country, some cities may transform them into charters.