Reshaping Communities
From Automobiles to Education
School kids in Michigan find refuge from economic hard times.
How Do D.C.’s Charter Schools Serve Special Needs Students?
Washington, D.C.’s public schools serve one of the highest percentages of special needs populations in the country. The nation’s capital has long had neglected special education facilities and trouble funding the more expensive services that this population requires. As a result, a few charter schools have opened up in the District to serve the needs [...]
Life on the Reservation
The 13 students in Kristina Hansen’s third-grade class want students in Detroit to know they do not live in teepees.

Redefining Public Education, or Fragmenting Communities?
Some charter schools have flourished by targeting specific racial, ethnic or other demographic groups.
Charters Leave Many High-Needs Public School Students Behind
Most of Harlem’s new charter schools aimed to serve the very same population of students as the public schools. But our look at enrollment data shows the area’s zoned public schools are now educating more children who live in poverty and more children whose first language is not English.